This site and blog or notebook is a follow-up to the older blog Of Mice and Kestrels, which we decided to launch back in 2014. It is dedicated mainly to kestrels, who decided to live with us under one roof on the balcony of our home office, and since 2007 also nest here. A few years later the first mouse appeared, acting as a mascot, and it got its place in the title of this blog too. However, other animal residents and visitors to our properties gradually intruded into the content. The swifts nesting upon our window next to the balcony since 2017 have a special place among them.
Of Mice and Kestrels
Kestrels (common or european kestrels) stay with us in our flat in a housing estate in the suburb of Brno for a long time. Initially they used our balcony only as a shelter and dormitory, but since the fire in 2006, the situation changed. Starting with the 2007 season kestrels are nesting here. History of nesting can be found here. Photo and video archive here. Continue reading “Of Mice and Kestrels”
Contact us
You can also use the kestrel contact form to send us a message, question, suggestion or comment.